



License plates

South Dakota license plate

South Dakota vehicle license plate services

South Dakota passenger license plates

South Dakota specialty/personalized license plates

South Dakota disabled license plates

South Dakota veteran license plates

South Dakota license plate

Obtaining a South Dakota license plate is easy with DakotaPost

As a part of becoming a South Dakota resident, we help guide you through organizing all the necessary documentation to get your license plates issued, fast!

DakotaPost customer reviews

DakotaPost Reviews

Name Surname

Great service, also helped getting our vehicles registered! On our 4th year with them!

Linda B

Very friendly staff and easy as possible sign up process.

Jerry W

We have been with DakotaPost for 10 years. They are so reliable and helpful. They provide great service for a very reasonable price.

Beverly H

Great people to work with. Very responsive and our mail is handled properly every time.

Randy V

DakotaPost has enabled us to enjoy life on the road for a year now. Highly recommend DakotaPost to anyone going full-time, they've been incredible to work with!

Michele M

Super helpful and so organized! Best customer service I’ve ever had.

Tami A.

Vehicles in South Dakota FAQs

Can I register my vehicle anywhere in the state?

No, vehicles must be registered in the same county as your South Dakota address.

Do I have to get my vehicles inspected?

No, South Dakota does not require an annual vehicle inspection.

Does the dealership have to do my registration?

No. In most cases, the dealership does not have to do your registration.

Can you assist me in registering my vehicle?

Yes we can and we will! We can assist over the phone and through the mail, just be sure to be enrolled for our mail forwarding service, then contact us and schedule an appointment.

Become a South Dakota resident and get your South Dakota vehicle registration
and license plates