





At DakotaPost, we offer reliable and convenient Michigan mail forwarding services to individuals and businesses alike. With our service, you can have a physical address in South Dakota to use as your business address or mailing address. This is especially useful if you are operating a business or working remotely from outside of SD, because of the tax benefits or having a physical address in South Dakota.

Person holding red envelope flying through the air

DakotaPost customer reviews

DakotaPost Reviews

Name Surname

Great service, also helped getting our vehicles registered! On our 4th year with them!

Linda B

Very friendly staff and easy as possible sign up process.

Jerry W

We have been with DakotaPost for 10 years. They are so reliable and helpful. They provide great service for a very reasonable price.

Beverly H

Great people to work with. Very responsive and our mail is handled properly every time.

Randy V

DakotaPost has enabled us to enjoy life on the road for a year now. Highly recommend DakotaPost to anyone going full-time, they've been incredible to work with!

Michele M

Super helpful and so organized! Best customer service I’ve ever had.

Tami A.

Manage your Michigan mail efficiently

Sign up for our Michigan mail forwarding service today and receive the mail that matters to you. Let us help you simplify your life and manage your mail efficiently.

DakotaPost sorting machine

Michigan mail forwarding FAQs

Are there additional fees with the My DakotaMail VIP?

If you request a mail piece to be opened and scanned, there is a $1 fee to open the mail piece and the scans are .50/page scanned.

When you request a mailing, there is a $2 fee plus the cost of your postage.

Are there additional fees?

$2.00 Handling fee per First Class mailing
$2.00 Handling fee per package received
$5.00 Mailing fee for FedEx, DHL, Express, or International

$5.00 Mailing fee per mailing over and above agreement amount

How many entities can I have on my box?

You can have 4 entities per box.  This can be a combination of related people, trusts, and businesses.  

If you need more than one box, please contact customer service to receive a discount on your additional boxes.

Please note DakotaPost can not handle mail for any entity that is not listed on your account. This is a regulation set forth by USPS for all CMRAs.

Can I change plans?

In the first 6 months of service, you can change your plan for free one time.  We understand you may not know your mail needs when first becoming a full-time traveler.  

After the 6 months, plans can be changed annually during your renewal month.  Should you want to change plans without waiting for your renewal month, you can pay a $25 set up fee and make a plan change at any time.  

A $25 set fee will be required each time you wish to change your plan outside of your renewal month.

How soon will I see my scan after I request them?

All scan requests are processed the following day after they are requested.

Example:  I requested a scan on Monday.  It will be processed on Tuesday.

Is viewing my online My DakotaMail secure?

My DakotaMail is completely secure, but still simple to use. My DakotaMail is encrypted, and requires a unique login and password for every customer.

How soon will you be able to send my mail after I request it?

Any requests made online before midnight CST will be processed and mailed the following business day.
Example: I requested my mail at 10 pm CST Tuesday. It will be processed and mailed Wednesday.

Any requests made online after midnight CST will be processed the following business day then mailed the next business day.
Example: I requested my mail Tuesday at 1am CST. It will be processed Wednesday and mailed Thursday.

Any online requests made after 5 pm CST Friday – Sunday will be processed and mailed Monday.

If you are emailing or calling with a mail request:

Any requests made before 5 pm CST will be processed the same day and mailed the following business day.
Example: I requested my mail at 4 pm CST Tuesday. It will be processed Tuesday and mailed Wednesday.

Any requests sent after 5 pm CST will be processed the following business day then mailed the next business day.
Example: I requested my mail Tuesday at 7 pm CST. It will be processed Wednesday and mailed Thursday.

Any requests made after 5 pm CST Friday – Sunday will be processed Monday and mailed Tuesday.

What shipping options are offered?

We ship via USPS, FedEx, and DHL.

What will my new address look like?

Your new address will be our physical street address with a unique PMB #.

You must have your PMB# on your mail to ensure proper delivery.

John and Susan Doe
3916 N Potsdam Ave PMB 1234
Sioux Falls, SD 57104

How can I request my mail?

You can request your mail online through your My DakotaMail  account, emailing office@dakotapost.net, or by giving us a call.

With the MyDakotaMail VIP plan, you always have to request your mail to be sent. Once your mail is sent,  your box goes on “hold” status until you request your mail again.

The same is true for a My DakotaMail Premier plan if you request your mail to be sent on a specific date. Your mail will go on hold until you request it again.

Can I come into the office to pick up mail anytime you are open?

Absolutely!  We love to see our customers face to face!

Our office hours are: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm.

Photo ID must be provided.

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